Poker is played with chips, often called poker chips. The lowest-value chip is the white one. The higher-valued chips are red, blue, or black, and these are worth 10 or 20 or 25 whites each, two, four, or five reds, respectively. To play poker, players “buy in,” by purchasing chips in the amount of money they wish to spend. If there are more than seven players in a game, two separate games are organized.
While some online poker sites use standalone client software, IDNPoker uses HTML5 clients for desktop computers. They do not require downloads and the website is fully translated in English. The lobby is simple, and players can choose cash games or stakes as per their preferences. There are no waiting lists or filters, but they do allow you to hide full tables. However, IDNPoker only allows one table per account. If you wish to play on more than one table, you must use a different browser and an entirely separate account.
Players must bet a certain amount of chips before they can withdraw their winnings. The limit varies depending on the stage of the game. Before the draw, the limit may be five, then ten, and so on. Five-chip increments are usually the first four betting intervals, and ten during the final betting interval. After the draw, the limit is usually 10. The amount is normally ten whenever a player has a pair or more.