A slot is a position in a group, series, sequence or other arrangement. A slot is also a place in an airplane or spacecraft, as one of the many openings used for airflow or access to controls or equipment. A slot may also be a particular place in a game or movie that allows players to interact with the story or characters.
In a slot machine, each symbol has an assigned probability of appearing on a pay line. When the random-number generator receives a signal — anything from a button being pressed or the handle being pulled — it sets a number and the reels stop on that combination. Between signals, the random-number generator continues to work, running through dozens of combinations each second. So if you’re playing a slot machine and someone else hits a jackpot shortly after you, don’t be disappointed; the odds are overwhelming that you would have pressed the button at exactly the same split-second as them.
Depending on the type of slot game, there are different ways to determine which symbols are likely to appear on a payline. Some have a specific configuration that pays out when certain symbols connect, while others pay out according to a percentage of the total bet. The methodology for calculating these payouts is usually spelled out in the help section of the machine or, on a video slot, can be found by clicking on a HELP or INFO button.